"Zero Impact" Objective

Concerned and aware of the issues related to the planet and the health of its users, Technima develops and formulates products with the fewest possible hazard pictograms, while maintaining the highest quality

To maintain this level of quality, Technima conducts a constant monitoring of regulatory guidelines and ensures that standards are maintained and respected while selecting the best raw materials with a view to tend toward “zero impact” products and services for humans and environment.

"Zero Impact" Objective

Concerned and aware of the issues related to the planet and the health of its users, Technima develops and formulates products with the fewest possible hazard pictograms, while maintaining the highest quality

To maintain this level of quality, Technima conducts a constant monitoring of regulatory guidelines and ensures that standards are maintained and respected while selecting the best raw materials with a view to tend toward “zero impact” products and services for humans and environment.

The Technima group is committed :

  • To make environmental protection, human health and responsibility for individuals the conditions of its survival. 
  • To promote internally a genuine sustainable development attitude, where social dialogue, awareness raising, staff training and an organization to achieve this reign supreme. 
  • To act as an ambassador for sustainable development to its customers, suppliers and partners. 
  • To behave as a socially responsible company by conducting a policy of transparency, on-going improvement and listening. 
  • To contribute to the search for and development of ever-safer products. 
  • To comply with and even anticipate the health, safety and environment regulations for an economically acceptable cost. 
  • To make its ethical and law-abiding behaviour the fundamental rule in its commercial initiatives.

Technima Central Earns EcoVadis Gold Medal for Sustainability Commitment

For a advanced commitment to environmental, social and ethical best practices.

Technima Central is proud to announce that our dedication to sustainable practices has been recognized with the EcoVadis Gold Medal. This award highlights our efforts in incorporating environmental, social, and ethical standards into our business model.

EcoVadis, a leading global provider of business sustainability ratings since 2007, assesses companies based on international sustainability standards. These include the Global Reporting Initiative, the United Nations Global Compact, and ISO 26000, covering a wide range of industries and countries.

Our “Zero Impact” initiative at Technima focuses on balancing high-quality product development with safety and environmental stewardship. We adhere strictly to regulatory guidelines, carefully select raw materials, and commit to responsible practices in every aspect of our operations.

As part of our sustainability journey, we engage in practices beneficial for social dialogue and employee development. We aim to serve as an example of sustainable development for our customers, suppliers, and partners, emphasizing transparency, continuous improvement, and ethical conduct.

Receiving the EcoVadis Gold Medal is an acknowledgment of our ongoing efforts to meet and exceed health, safety, and environmental standards in a cost-effective manner. It reinforces our commitment to sustainable and ethical business practices.

At Technima Central, we are motivated by this recognition to continue our path towards a more sustainable and responsible future.

Technima: Committed to Sustainable Excellence.