Temporary spray paints

Temporary spray paints

Our temporary spray paints from the SOPPEC EVENT range are ideal for temporarily marking risky areas or security zones, especially during sports and event events. These paints fade naturally over time, and this after a very short period of time ranging from 1 to 2 months maximum. These temporary spray paints offer a very high visibility from far and near and are available in several colors: blue, green, yellow, orange, pink, red and white. You will find two products : a short term marking paint : TEMPO TP, ideal for short term marking (2 months) and a very short term marking paint : TEMPO MARKER, particularly adapted to very short markings (1 month) thanks to a fast elimination of the color under the action of UV.
Our temporary spray paints are equipped with SOPPEC's patented safety cover: the TP CAP, in the color of the paint. This cap is highly resistant to shocks and falls and guarantees an absence of paint drips and mists for a clean result and optimal safety. SOPPEC EVENT temporary spray paints adhere to all types of surfaces (gravel, wood, asphalt, concrete, grass, minerals, sand, soil) and are easily removed by mechanical action. Highly fluorescent, our paints are visible from a distance. The SOPPEC EVENT range also offers a panoply of indispensable products for all event professionals. You will find among others special effect paints as well as marking complements andaccessories for floor marking.

Vorteile unserer temporären Sprühfarben

  • Alle Aerosole sind nach den Regeln unserer dreifachen Zertifizierung formuliert.
  • Verwendung von Produkten bis zu sehr niedrigen Temperaturen dank Hochdruckdosen und einem speziellen Treibmittel.

Umwelt und Sicherheit stehen bei uns an erster Stelle

  • Unsere temporären Markierungsfarben sind frei von CMR-Stoffen (Karzinogene, Mutagene...) der Kategorien 1A, 1B & 2 in einer Konzentration über dem gesetzlichen Grenzwert von 0,1 %.
  • Ohne Hexan und Methanol, Toluol und Xylol formuliert
  • Ohne Schwermetalle Blei (Pb), Cadmium (Cd),...
  • Kein Umweltgefahrensymbol Umweltgefahren Nr. 412: „giftig für Wasserorganismen“ und keine langfristigen schädlichen Wirkungen auf das Ökosystem
  • Unsere Etiketten entsprechen der geltenden europäischen Verordnung CE Nr. 1272/2008 und ihren Anpassungen. (CLP-Verordnung – Einstufung – Kennzeichnung – Verpackung (EG Nr. 1272/2008)

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