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 Logo Technima Mark your differenceDear Customer,

You trust SOPPEC for the supply of marking aerosols, and we thank you. The technical quality and the safety of use of our products have made SOPPEC a brand with strong reputation in marking products field at European level.


The Technima group was created in 2009. Over the years, the group has grown. Today it includes the companies TECHNIMA CENTRAL (Germany), TECHNIMA NORDIC (Sweden), CIA TECHNIMA SUD EUROPA (ltaly), TECHNIMA BENELUX (Netherlands), in addition to SOPPEC in France.

ln the interest of consistency between the names of the various companies of the Technima group, the French company "SOPPEC" changes its name and becomes "TECHNIMA FRANCE" on October 1, 2020. 


Fluo TP Soppec with Logo Technima

What's new for you ?


Concretely, from this date, you will receive delivery notes, invoices and letters on behalf of TECHNIMA FRANCE.


This change do not affect the SOPPEC brand name, which means that there is no change in product name, presentation of our aerosols or associated marketing materials. The only visual manifestation on our products will be a discreet Technima logo on the aerosol facing.


Since it is just a simple name change, the entirety of the contracts and commercial conditions which bind our companies are unchanged, as well as the VAT numbers, SIRET and bank details of SOPPEC / TECHNIMA FRANCE, which remain unchanged too.





Do you have any question ?


Your usual sales representative remains at your disposai to answer any questions you may have.


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